Consejos de Inglés
Aprender las palabras más comunes de un idioma es una estrategia eficaz para ampliar tu vocabulario y mejorar la comprensión. Al fin y al cabo, en las conversaciones cotidianas, solo se utiliza una fracción del vocabulario completo. En este artículo, hemos reunido las 3000 palabras más habladas en inglés, organizadas alfabéticamente para facilitar tu estudio.
¿Por Qué Son Importantes Estas Palabras?
Dominar las palabras más frecuentes en inglés es fundamental para quienes desean mejorar la comunicación de manera rápida y práctica. Estas palabras cubren la mayoría de las situaciones diarias, lo que te permitirá comprender y participar en conversaciones con mayor confianza.
Además, enfocarte en este vocabulario te ayudará a construir una base sólida para avanzar a niveles más complejos en el aprendizaje del idioma.
¿Cómo Usar Este Vocabulario en Tu Día a Día?
Incorpora estas palabras en actividades diarias como:
- Lectura: Elige textos simples y subraya las palabras que reconozcas.
- Audición: Escucha podcasts o videos en inglés y presta atención a las palabras más comunes.
- Práctica: Crea frases con estas palabras y úsalas en tus conversaciones.
Este método aumentará tu confianza y reforzará tus conocimientos mediante la repetición.
Lista de las Palabras Más Usadas en Inglés

Aquí tienes la lista de las palabras más comunes en inglés, organizada alfabéticamente. Cada palabra incluye su significado para ayudarte a relacionar el vocabulario con su uso práctico.
a, an (indefinite article)
abandon (verb)
ability (noun)
able (adjective)
about (preposition, noun, adverb)
above (preposition, noun, adverb)
abroad (adverb)
absolute (adjective)
absolutely (adverb)
academic (adjective)
accept (verb)
acceptable (adjective)
access (noun, verb)
accident (noun)
accompany (verb)
according to (preposition, noun)
account (noun, verb)
accurate (adjective)
accuse (verb)
achieve (verb)
achievement (noun)
acknowledge (verb)
acquire (verb)
across (preposition, noun, adverb)
act (verb, noun)
action (noun)
active (adjective)
activity (noun)
actor (noun)
actress (noun)
actual (adjective)
actually (adverb)
ad (noun)
adapt (verb)
add (verb)
addition (noun)
additional (adjective)
address (noun, verb)
administration (noun)
admire (verb)
admit (verb)
adopt (verb)
adult (noun, adjective)
advance (noun, verb, adjective)
advanced (adjective)
advantage (noun)
adventure (noun)
advertise (verb)
advertisement (noun)
advertising (noun)
advice (noun)
advise (verb)
affair (noun)
affect (verb)
afford (verb)
afraid (adjective)
after (preposition, noun, conjunction, adverb)
afternoon (noun)
afterward (adverb)
again (adverb)
against (preposition, noun)
age (noun, verb)
agency (noun)
agenda (noun)
agent (noun)
aggressive (adjective)
ago (adverb)
agree (verb)
agreement (noun)
ah (exclamation)
ahead (adverb)
aid (noun, verb)
aim (verb, noun)
air (noun)
aircraft (noun)
airline (noun)
airport (noun)
alarm (noun, verb)
album (noun)
alcohol (noun)
alcoholic (adjective)
alive (adjective)
all (pronoun, pronoun, adverb)
all right (adjective, adverb)
allow (verb)
almost (adverb)
alone (adjective, adverb)
along (preposition, adverb, noun)
already (adverb)
also (adverb)
alter (verb)
alternative (noun, adjective)
although (conjunction)
always (adverb)
amazed (adjective)
amazing (adjective)
ambition (noun)
among (preposition, noun)
amount (noun, verb)
analysis (noun)
analyze (verb)
ancient (adjective)
and (conjunction)
anger (noun)
angle (noun)
angry (adjective)
animal (noun)
ankle (noun)
anniversary (noun)
announce (verb)
announcement (noun)
annoy (verb)
annoyed (adjective)
annoying (adjective)
annual (adjective)
another (pronoun)
answer (noun, verb)
anxious (adjective)
any (pronoun, adverb)
anybody (pronoun)
anymore (adverb)
anyone (pronoun)
anything (pronoun)
anyway (adverb)
anywhere (adverb, pronoun)
apart (adverb)
apartment (noun)
apologize (verb)
app (noun)
apparent (adjective)
apparently (adverb)
appeal (noun, verb)
appear (verb)
appearance (noun)
apple (noun)
application (noun)
apply (verb)
appointment (noun)
appreciate (verb)
approach (noun, verb)
appropriate (adjective)
approval (noun)
approve (verb)
approximately (adverb)
April (noun)
architect (noun)
architecture (noun)
area (noun)
argue (verb)
argument (noun)
arise (verb)
arm (noun)
armed (adjective)
arms (noun)
army (noun)
around (preposition, adverb, noun)
arrange (verb)
arrangement (noun)
arrest (verb, noun)
arrival (noun)
arrive (verb)
art (noun)
article (noun)
artificial (adjective)
artist (noun)
artistic (adjective)
as (preposition, adverb, conjunction, noun)
ashamed (adjective)
aside (adverb)
ask (verb)
asleep (adjective)
aspect (noun)
assess (verb)
assessment (noun)
assignment (noun)
assist (verb)
assistant (noun, adjective)
associate (verb)
associated (adjective)
association (noun)
assume (verb)
at (preposition, noun)
athlete (noun)
atmosphere (noun)
attach (verb)
attack (noun, verb)
attempt (noun, verb)
attend (verb)
attention (noun)
attitude (noun)
attorney (noun)
attract (verb)
attraction (noun)
attractive (adjective)
audience (noun)
August (noun)
aunt (noun)
author (noun)
authority (noun)
automatic (adjective)
automatically (adverb)
available (adjective)
average (adjective, noun, verb)
avoid (verb)
award (noun, verb)
aware (adjective)
away (adverb)
awesome (adjective)
awful (adjective)
baby (noun)
back (noun, adverb, adjective, verb)
background (noun)
backward (adverb)
bacteria (noun)
bad (adjective)
badly (adverb)
bag (noun)
bake (verb)
balance (noun, verb)
ball (noun)
ban (verb, noun)
banana (noun)
band (noun)
bank (money) (noun)
bank (river) (noun)
bar (noun, verb)
barrier (noun)
base (noun, verb)
baseball (noun)
based (adjective)
basic (adjective)
basically (adverb)
basis (noun)
basketball (noun)
bath (noun)
bathroom (noun)
battery (noun)
battle (noun, verb)
be (verb, auxiliary, verb)
beach (noun)
bean (noun)
bear (animal) (noun)
bear (deal with) (verb)
beat (verb, noun)
beautiful (adjective)
beauty (noun)
because (conjunction)
become (verb)
bed (noun)
bedroom (noun)
bee (noun)
beef (noun)
beer (noun)
before (preposition, noun, conjunction, adverb)
beg (verb)
begin (verb)
beginning (noun)
behave (verb)
behavior (noun)
behind (preposition, adverb)
being (noun)
belief (noun)
believe (verb)
bell (noun)
belong (verb)
below (adverb, preposition, noun)
belt (noun)
bend (verb, noun)
benefit (noun, verb)
bent (adjective)
best (adjective, adverb, noun)
bet (verb, noun)
better (adjective, adverb, noun)
between (preposition, noun, adverb, noun)
beyond (preposition, adverb)
bicycle (noun)
big (adjective)
bike (noun)
bill (noun, verb)
billion (number)
biology (noun)
bird (noun)
birth (noun)
birthday (noun)
bit (noun)
bite (verb, noun)
bitter (adjective)
black (adjective, noun)
blame (verb, noun)
blank (adjective, noun)
blind (adjective)
block (noun, verb)
blog (noun)
blond (adjective)
blood (noun)
blow (verb)
blue (adjective, noun)
board (noun, verb)
boat (noun)
body (noun)
boil (verb)
bomb (noun, verb)
bond (noun)
bone (noun)
book (noun, verb)
boot (noun)
border (noun, verb)
bored (adjective)
boring (adjective)
born (verb)
borrow (verb)
boss (noun)
both (pronoun)
bother (verb)
bottle (noun)
bottom (noun, adjective)
bowl (noun)
box (noun)
boy (noun)
boyfriend (noun)
brain (noun)
branch (noun)
brand (noun, verb)
brave (adjective)
bread (noun)
break (verb, noun)
breakfast (noun)
breast (noun)
breath (noun)
breathe (verb)
breathing (noun)
bride (noun)
bridge (noun)
brief (adjective)
bright (adjective)
brilliant (adjective)
bring (verb)
broad (adjective)
broadcast (verb, noun)
broken (adjective)
brother (noun)
brown (adjective, noun)
brush (verb, noun)
bubble (noun)
budget (noun)
build (verb)
building (noun)
bullet (noun)
bunch (noun)
burn (verb, noun)
bury (verb)
bus (noun)
bush (noun)
business (noun)
businessman (noun)
busy (adjective)
but (conjunction, preposition, noun)
butter (noun)
button (noun)
buy (verb)
by (preposition, noun, adverb)
bye (exclamation)
cable (noun)
cafe (noun)
cake (noun)
calculate (verb)
call (verb, noun)
calm (adjective, verb, noun)
camera (noun)
camp (noun, verb)
campaign (noun, verb)
camping (noun)
campus (noun)
can1 (modal verb)
can2 (noun)
cancel (verb)
cancer (noun)
candidate (noun)
candy (noun)
cannot (verb)
cap (noun)
capable (adjective)
capacity (noun)
capital (noun, adjective)
captain (noun)
capture (verb, noun)
car (noun)
card (noun)
care (noun, verb)
career (noun)
careful (adjective)
carefully (adverb)
careless (adjective)
carpet (noun)
carrot (noun)
carry (verb)
cartoon (noun)
case (noun)
cash (noun)
cast (noun, verb)
cat (noun)
catch (verb, noun)
category (noun)
cause (noun, verb)
CD (noun)
ceiling (noun)
celebrate (verb)
celebration (noun)
celebrity (noun)
cell (noun)
cent (noun)
center (noun, verb)
central (adjective)
century (noun)
ceremony (noun)
certain (adjective)
certainly (adverb)
chain (noun, verb)
chair (noun, verb)
chairman (noun)
challenge (noun, verb)
champion (noun)
chance (noun)
change (verb, noun)
channel (noun)
chapter (noun)
character (noun)
characteristic (noun, adjective)
charge (noun, verb)
charity (noun)
chart (noun, verb)
chat (verb, noun)
cheap (adjective, adverb)
cheat (verb, noun)
check (verb, noun)
cheerful (adjective)
cheese (noun)
chef (noun)
chemical (adjective, noun)
chemistry (noun)
chest (noun)
chicken (noun)
chief (adjective, noun)
child (noun)
childhood (noun)
chip (noun)
chocolate (noun)
choice (noun)
choose (verb)
church (noun)
cigarette (noun)
circle (noun, verb)
circumstance (noun)
cite (verb)
citizen (noun)
city (noun)
civil (adjective)
claim (verb, noun)
class (noun)
classic (adjective, noun)
classical (adjective)
classroom (noun)
clause (noun)
clean (adjective, verb)
clear (adjective, verb)
clearly (adverb)
clerk (noun)
clever (adjective)
click (verb, noun)
client (noun)
climate (noun)
climb (verb, noun)
clock (noun)
close1 (verb, noun)
close2 (adjective, adverb)
closed (adjective)
closely (adverb)
closet (noun)
cloth (noun)
clothes (noun)
clothing (noun)
cloud (noun)
club (noun)
clue (noun)
coach (noun, verb)
coal (noun)
coast (noun)
coat (noun)
code (noun)
coffee (noun)
coin (noun)
cold (adjective, noun)
collapse (verb, noun)
colleague (noun)
collect (verb)
collection (noun)
college (noun)
color (noun)
colored (adjective)
column (noun)
combination (noun)
combine (verb)
come (verb)
comedy (noun)
comfort (noun, verb)
comfortable (adjective)
command (noun, verb)
comment (noun, verb)
commercial (adjective, noun)
commission (noun, verb)
commit (verb)
commitment (noun)
committee (noun)
common (adjective)
commonly (adverb)
communicate (verb)
communication (noun)
community (noun)
company (noun)
compare (verb)
comparison (noun)
compete (verb)
competition (noun)
competitive (adjective)
competitor (noun)
complain (verb)
complaint (noun)
complete (adjective, verb)
completely (adverb)
complex (adjective, noun)
complicated (adjective)
component (noun)
computer (noun)
concentrate (verb)
concentration (noun)
concept (noun)
concern (noun, verb)
concerned (adjective)
concert (noun)
conclude (verb)
conclusion (noun)
condition (noun)
conduct (verb, noun)
conference (noun)
confidence (noun)
confident (adjective)
confirm (verb)
conflict (noun, verb)
confuse (verb)
confused (adjective)
confusing (adjective)
congress (noun)
connect (verb)
connected (adjective)
connection (noun)
conscious (adjective)
consequence (noun)
conservative (adjective, noun)
consider (verb)
consideration (noun)
consist (verb)
consistent (adjective)
constant (adjective)
constantly (adverb)
construct (verb)
construction (noun)
consume (verb)
consumer (noun)
contact (noun, verb)
contain (verb)
container (noun)
contemporary (adjective)
content1 (noun)
contest (noun, verb)
context (noun)
continent (noun)
continue (verb)
continuous (adjective)
contract (noun, verb)
contrast (noun, verb)
contribute (verb)
contribution (noun)
control (noun, verb)
convenient (adjective)
conversation (noun)
convert (verb)
convince (verb)
convinced (adjective)
cook (verb, noun)
cookie (noun)
cooking (noun)
cool (adjective, verb)
copy (noun, verb)
core (noun, adjective)
corn (noun)
corner (noun)
corporate (adjective)
correct (adjective, verb)
correctly (adverb)
cost (noun, verb)
costume (noun)
cotton (noun)
could (modal verb)
council (noun)
count (verb, noun)
country (noun)
countryside (noun)
county (noun)
couple (noun)
courage (noun)
course (noun)
court (noun)
cousin (noun)
cover (verb, noun)
covered (adjective)
cow (noun)
crash (noun, verb)
crazy (adjective)
cream (noun, adjective)
create (verb)
creation (noun)
creative (adjective)
creature (noun)
credit (noun, verb)
crew (noun)
crime (noun)
criminal (noun, adjective)
crisis (noun)
criterion (noun)
critic (noun)
critical (adjective)
criticism (noun)
criticize (verb)
crop (noun)
cross (verb, noun)
crowd (noun)
crowded (adjective)
crucial (adjective)
cruel (adjective)
cry (verb, noun)
cultural (adjective)
culture (noun)
cup (noun)
cupboard (noun)
cure (verb, noun)
curly (adjective)
currency (noun)
current (adjective, noun)
currently (adverb)
curtain (noun)
curve (noun, verb)
curved (adjective)
custom (noun)
customer (noun)
cut (verb, noun)
cycle (noun, verb)
dad (noun)
daily (adjective, adverb)
damage (noun, verb)
dance (noun, verb)
dancer (noun)
dancing (noun)
danger (noun)
dangerous (adjective)
dark (adjective, noun)
data (noun)
date (noun, verb)
daughter (noun)
day (noun)
dead (adjective)
deal (verb, noun)
dear (adjective)
death (noun)
debate (noun, verb)
debt (noun)
decade (noun)
December (noun)
decent (adjective)
decide (verb)
decision (noun)
declare (verb)
decline (verb, noun)
decorate (verb)
decoration (noun)
decrease (verb, noun)
deep (adjective, adverb)
deeply (adverb)
defeat (verb, noun)
defend (verb)
defense (noun)
define (verb)
definite (adjective)
definitely (adverb)
definition (noun)
degree (noun)
delay (verb, noun)
deliberate (adjective)
deliberately (adverb)
delicious (adjective)
deliver (verb)
delivery (noun)
demand (noun, verb)
demonstrate (verb)
dentist (noun)
deny (verb)
department (noun)
departure (noun)
depend (verb)
depressed (adjective)
depressing (adjective)
depth (noun)
describe (verb)
description (noun)
desert (noun, verb)
deserve (verb)
design (noun, verb)
designer (noun)
desire (noun, verb)
desk (noun)
desperate (adjective)
despite (preposition, noun)
dessert (noun)
destination (noun)
destroy (verb)
detail (noun, verb)
detailed (adjective)
detect (verb)
detective (noun)
determine (verb)
determined (adjective)
develop (verb)
development (noun)
device (noun)
diagram (noun)
dialogue (noun)
diamond (noun)
diary (noun)
dictionary (noun)
die (verb)
diet (noun)
difference (noun)
different (adjective)
differently (adverb)
difficult (adjective)
difficulty (noun)
dig (verb)
digital (adjective)
dinner (noun)
direct (adjective, verb, adverb)
direction (noun)
directly (adverb)
director (noun)
dirt (noun)
dirty (adjective)
disadvantage (noun)
disagree (verb)
disappear (verb)
disappointed (adjective)
disappointing (adjective)
disaster (noun)
discipline (noun)
discount (noun, verb)
discover (verb)
discovery (noun)
discuss (verb)
discussion (noun)
disease (noun)
dish (noun)
dishonest (adjective)
disk (noun)
dislike (verb, noun)
dismiss (verb)
display (verb, noun)
distance (noun)
distribute (verb)
distribution (noun)
district (noun)
divide (verb, noun)
division (noun)
divorced (adjective)
do1 (verb, auxiliary, verb)
doctor (noun)
document (noun, verb)
documentary (noun)
dog (noun)
dollar (noun)
domestic (adjective)
dominate (verb)
donate (verb)
door (noun)
double (adjective, pronoun, verb, adverb)
doubt (noun, verb)
down (adverb, preposition, noun)
download (verb, noun)
downstairs (adverb, adjective)
downtown (adverb, noun, adjective)
downward (adjective, adverb)
dozen (noun)
draft (noun, verb)
drag (verb)
drama (noun)
dramatic (adjective)
draw (verb)
drawing (noun)
dream (noun, verb)
dress (noun, verb)
dressed (adjective)
drink (noun, verb)
drive (verb, noun)
driver (noun)
driving (noun)
drop (verb, noun)
drug (noun)
drum (noun)
drunk (adjective)
dry (adjective, verb)
due (adjective)
during (preposition, noun)
dust (noun)
duty (noun)
DVD (noun)
each (pronoun, adverb)
ear (noun)
early (adjective, adverb)
earn (verb)
earth (noun)
earthquake (noun)
easily (adverb)
east (noun, adjective, adverb)
eastern (adjective)
easy (adjective)
eat (verb)
economic (adjective)
economy (noun)
edge (noun)
edit (verb)
edition (noun)
editor (noun)
educate (verb)
educated (adjective)
education (noun)
educational (adjective)
effect (noun)
effective (adjective)
effectively (adverb)
efficient (adjective)
effort (noun)
egg (noun)
eight (number)
eighteen (number)
eighty (number)
either (pronoun, adverb)
elderly (adjective)
elect (verb)
election (noun)
electric (adjective)
electrical (adjective)
electricity (noun)
electronic (adjective)
element (noun)
elephant (noun)
elevator (noun)
eleven (number)
else (adverb)
elsewhere (adverb)
email (noun, verb)
embarrassed (adjective)
embarrassing (adjective)
emerge (verb)
emergency (noun)
emotion (noun)
emotional (adjective)
emphasis (noun)
emphasize (verb)
employ (verb)
employee (noun)
employer (noun)
employment (noun)
empty (adjective, verb)
enable (verb)
encounter (verb, noun)
encourage (verb)
end (noun, verb)
ending (noun)
enemy (noun)
energy (noun)
engage (verb)
engaged (adjective)
engine (noun)
engineer (noun)
engineering (noun)
enhance (verb)
enjoy (verb)
enormous (adjective)
enough (pronoun, adverb, adverb)
ensure (verb)
enter (verb)
entertain (verb)
entertainment (noun)
enthusiasm (noun)
enthusiastic (adjective)
entire (adjective)
entirely (adverb)
entrance (noun)
entry (noun)
environment (noun)
environmental (adjective)
episode (noun)
equal (adjective, verb, noun)
equally (adverb)
equipment (noun)
error (noun)
escape (verb, noun)
especially (adverb)
essay (noun)
essential (adjective)
establish (verb)
estate (noun)
estimate (verb, noun)
ethical (adjective)
euro (noun)
evaluate (verb)
even (adverb, adjective)
evening (noun)
event (noun)
eventually (adverb)
ever (adverb)
every (adverb)
everybody (pronoun)
everyday (adjective)
everyone (pronoun)
everything (pronoun)
everywhere (adverb)
evidence (noun)
evil (adjective, noun)
exact (adjective)
exactly (adverb)
exam (noun)
examination (noun)
examine (verb)
example (noun)
excellent (adjective)
except (preposition, noun, conjunction)
exchange (noun, verb)
excited (adjective)
excitement (noun)
exciting (adjective)
excuse (noun, verb)
executive (noun, adjective)
exercise (noun, verb)
exhibit (verb, noun)
exhibition (noun)
exist (verb)
existence (noun)
exit (noun, verb)
expand (verb)
expect (verb)
expectation (noun)
expected (adjective)
expense (noun)
expensive (adjective)
experience (noun, verb)
experienced (adjective)
experiment (noun, verb)
expert (noun, adjective)
explain (verb)
explanation (noun)
explode (verb)
exploration (noun)
explore (verb)
explosion (noun)
export (noun, verb)
expose (verb)
express (verb)
expression (noun)
extend (verb)
extent (noun)
external (adjective)
extra (adjective, noun, adverb)
extraordinary (adjective)
extreme (adjective, noun)
extremely (adverb)
eye (noun)
face (noun, verb)
facility (noun)
fact (noun)
factor (noun)
factory (noun)
fail (verb)
failure (noun)
fair (adjective)
fairly (adverb)
faith (noun)
fall (verb, noun)
false (adjective)
familiar (adjective)
family (noun, adjective)
famous (adjective)
fan (noun)
fancy (adjective)
fantastic (adjective)
far (adverb, adjective)
farm (noun, verb)
farmer (noun)
farming (noun)
fascinating (adjective)
fashion (noun)
fashionable (adjective)
fast (adjective, adverb)
fasten (verb)
fat (adjective, noun)
father (noun)
fault (noun)
favor (noun, verb)
favorite (adjective, noun)
fear (noun, verb)
feather (noun)
feature (noun, verb)
February (noun)
federal (adjective)
fee (noun)
feed (verb, noun)
feedback (noun)
feel (verb, noun)
feeling (noun)
fellow (adjective)
female (adjective, noun)
fence (noun)
festival (noun)
fever (noun)
few (adjective, pronoun)
fiction (noun)
field (noun)
fifteen (number)
fifth (number)
fifty (number)
fight (verb, noun)
fighting (noun)
figure (noun, verb)
file (noun, verb)
fill (verb)
film (noun, verb)
final (adjective, noun)
finally (adverb)
finance (noun, verb)
financial (adjective)
find (verb)
finding (noun)
fine (adjective)
finger (noun)
finish (verb, noun)
fire (noun, verb)
firm (noun)
first (number, adverb)
fish (noun, verb)
fishing (noun)
fit (verb, adjective)
fitness (noun)
five (number)
fix (verb, noun)
fixed (adjective)
flag (noun)
flame (noun)
flash (noun, verb)
flat (adjective)
flexible (adjective)
flight (noun)
float (verb)
flood (noun, verb)
floor (noun)
flour (noun)
flow (verb, noun)
flower (noun)
flu (noun)
fly (verb, noun)
flying (noun, adjective)
focus (verb, noun)
fold (verb, noun)
folding (adjective)
folk (noun, adjective)
follow (verb)
following (adjective, noun, preposition)
food (noun)
foot (noun)
football (noun)
for (preposition, noun)
force (noun, verb)
foreign (adjective)
forest (noun)
forever (adverb)
forget (verb)
forgive (verb)
fork (noun)
form (noun, verb)
formal (adjective)
former (adjective)
fortunately (adverb)
fortune (noun)
forty (number)
forward (adverb, adjective)
found (verb)
four (number)
fourteen (number)
fourth (number)
frame (noun, verb)
free (adjective, adverb, verb)
freedom (noun)
freeze (verb)
frequency (noun)
frequently (adverb)
fresh (adjective)
Friday (noun)
friend (noun)
friendly (adjective)
friendship (noun)
frighten (verb)
frightened (adjective)
frightening (adjective)
frog (noun)
from (preposition, noun)
front (noun, adjective)
frozen (adjective)
fruit (noun)
fry (verb)
fuel (noun, verb)
full (adjective)
fully (adverb)
fun (noun, adjective)
function (noun, verb)
fund (noun, verb)
fundamental (adjective)
funding (noun)
funny (adjective)
fur (noun)
furniture (noun)
further (adjective, adverb)
furthermore (adverb)
future (noun, adjective)
gain (verb, noun)
gallery (noun)
game (noun)
gang (noun)
gap (noun)
garage (noun)
garbage (noun)
garden (noun)
gas (noun)
gate (noun)
gather (verb)
general (adjective)
generally (adverb)
generate (verb)
generation (noun)
generous (adjective)
genre (noun)
gentle (adjective)
gentleman (noun)
geography (noun)
get (verb)
ghost (noun)
giant (adjective, noun)
gift (noun)
girl (noun)
girlfriend (noun)
give (verb)
glad (adjective)
glass (noun)
global (adjective)
glove (noun)
go (verb, noun)
goal (noun)
god (noun)
gold (noun, adjective)
golf (noun)
good (adjective, noun)
goodbye (exclam) (noun)
goods (noun)
govern (verb)
government (noun)
governor (noun)
grab (verb)
grade (noun, verb)
gradually (adverb)
graduate (noun, verb)
grain (noun)
grand (adjective)
grandfather (noun)
grandmother (noun)
grandparent (noun)
grant (verb, noun)
grass (noun)
grateful (adjective)
gray (adjective, noun)
great (adjective)
green (adjective, noun)
greet (verb)
grocery (noun)
ground (noun)
group (noun)
grow (verb)
growth (noun)
guarantee (verb, noun)
guard (noun, verb)
guess (verb, noun)
guest (noun)
guide (noun, verb)
guilty (adjective)
guitar (noun)
gun (noun)
guy (noun)
gym (noun)
habit (noun)
hair (noun)
half (noun, pronoun, adverb)
hall (noun)
hand (noun, verb)
handle (verb, noun)
hang (verb)
happen (verb)
happily (adverb)
happiness (noun)
happy (adjective)
hard (adjective, adverb)
hardly (adverb)
harm (noun, verb)
harmful (adjective)
hat (noun)
hate (verb, noun)
have (verb, auxiliary verb)
have to (modal verb)
he (pronoun)
head (noun, verb)
headache (noun)
headline (noun)
health (noun)
healthy (adjective)
hear (verb)
hearing (noun)
heart (noun)
heat (noun, verb)
heating (noun)
heaven (noun)
heavily (adverb)
heavy (adjective)
heel (noun)
height (noun)
helicopter (noun)
hell (noun)
hello (exclam) (noun)
help (verb, noun)
helpful (adjective)
her (pronoun)
here (adverb)
hero (noun)
hers (pronoun)
herself (pronoun)
hesitate (verb)
hey (exclamation)
hi (exclamation)
hide (verb)
high (adjective, adverb, noun)
highlight (verb, noun)
highly (adverb)
highway (noun)
hill (noun)
him (pronoun)
himself (pronoun)
hire (verb, noun)
his (pronoun)
historic (adjective)
historical (adjective)
history (noun)
hit (verb, noun)
hobby (noun)
hockey (noun)
hold (verb, noun)
hole (noun)
holiday (noun)
hollow (adjective)
holy (adjective)
home (noun, adverb, adjective)
homework (noun)
honest (adjective)
honor (noun, verb)
hope (verb, noun)
horrible (adjective)
horror (noun)
horse (noun)
hospital (noun)
host (noun, verb)
hot (adjective)
hotel (noun)
hour (noun)
house (noun, verb)
household (noun)
housing (noun)
how (adverb)
however (adverb)
huge (adjective)
human (adjective, noun)
humor (noun)
humorous (adjective)
hundred (number)
hungry (adjective)
hunt (verb, noun)
hunting (noun)
hurricane (noun)
hurry (noun, verb)
hurt (verb, adjectivenoun)
husband (noun)
I (pronoun)
ice (noun)
ice cream (noun)
idea (noun)
ideal (adjective, noun)
identify (verb)
identity (noun)
if (conjunction)
ignore (verb)
ill (adjective)
illegal (adjective)
illness (noun)
illustrate (verb)
illustration (noun)
image (noun)
imaginary (adjective)
imagination (noun)
imagine (verb)
immediate (adjective)
immediately (adverb)
immigrant (noun)
impact (noun, verb)
impatient (adjective)
imply (verb)
import (noun, verb)
importance (noun)
important (adjective)
impose (verb)
impossible (adjective)
impress (verb)
impressed (adjective)
impression (noun)
impressive (adjective)
improve (verb)
improvement (noun)
in (preposition, adverb)
inch (noun)
incident (noun)
include (verb)
included (adjective)
including (preposition, noun)
income (noun)
increase (verb, noun)
increasingly (adverb)
incredible (adjective)
incredibly (adverb)
indeed (adverb)
independent (adjective)
indicate (verb)
indirect (adjective)
individual (noun, adjective)
indoor (adjective)
indoors (adverb)
industrial (adjective)
industry (noun)
infection (noun)
influence (noun, verb)
inform (verb)
informal (adjective)
information (noun)
ingredient (noun)
initial (adjective)
initially (adverb)
initiative (noun)
injure (verb)
injured (adjective)
injury (noun)
inner (adjective)
innocent (adjective)
inquiry (noun)
insect (noun)
inside (preposition, adverb, noun, adjective)
insight (noun)
insist (verb)
inspire (verb)
install (verb)
instance (noun)
instead (adverb)
institute (noun)
institution (noun)
instruction (noun)
instructor (noun)
instrument (noun)
insurance (noun)
intelligence (noun)
intelligent (adjective)
intend (verb)
intended (adjective)
intense (adjective)
intention (noun)
interest (noun, verb)
interested (adjective)
interesting (adjective)
internal (adjective)
international (adjective)
internet (noun)
interpret (verb)
interrupt (verb)
interview (noun, verb)
into (preposition, noun)
introduce (verb)
introduction (noun)
invent (verb)
invention (noun)
invest (verb)
investigate (verb)
investigation (noun)
investment (noun)
invitation (noun)
invite (verb)
involve (verb)
involved (adjective)
iron (noun, verb)
island (noun)
issue (noun, verb)
IT (noun)
it (pronoun)
item (noun)
its (pronoun)
itself (pronoun)
jacket (noun)
jam (noun)
January (noun)
jazz (noun)
jeans (noun)
jewelry (noun)
job (noun)
join (verb)
joke (noun, verb)
journal (noun)
journalist (noun)
journey (noun)
joy (noun)
judge (noun, verb)
judgment (noun)
juice (noun)
July (noun)
jump (verb, noun)
June (noun)
junior (adjective)
just (adverb)
justice (noun)
justify (verb)
keep (verb)
key (noun, adjective, verb)
keyboard (noun)
kick (verb, noun)
kid (noun)
kill (verb)
killing (noun)
kilometer (noun)
kind (caring) (adjective)
kind (type) (noun)
king (noun)
kiss (verb, noun)
kitchen (noun)
knee (noun)
knife (noun)
knock (verb, noun)
know (verb)
knowledge (noun)
lab (noun)
label (noun, verb)
labor (noun)
laboratory (noun)
lack (noun, verb)
lady (noun)
lake (noun)
lamp (noun)
land (noun, verb)
landscape (noun)
language (noun)
laptop (noun)
large (adjective)
largely (adverb)
last (final) (adverb, noun)
last (taking time) (verb)
late (adjective, adverb)
later (adverb, adjective)
latest (adjective, noun)
laugh (verb, noun)
laughter (noun)
launch (verb, noun)
law (noun)
lawyer (noun)
lay (verb)
layer (noun)
lazy (adjective)
lead1 (verb, noun)
leader (noun)
leadership (noun)
leading (adjective)
leaf (noun)
league (noun)
lean (verb)
learn (verb)
learning (noun)
least (pronoun, adverb)
leather (noun)
leave (verb, noun)
lecture (noun, verb)
left (adjective, adverb, noun)
leg (noun)
legal (adjective)
leisure (noun)
lemon (noun)
lend (verb)
length (noun)
less (pronoun, adverb)
lesson (noun)
let (verb)
letter (noun)
level (noun, adjective, verb)
library (noun)
license (noun)
lie (tell a lie) (verb, noun)
lie1 (verb)
life (noun)
lifestyle (noun)
lift (verb)
light (from the sun/ a lamp) (noun)
light (not heavy) (adjective)
like (find somebody/ something pleasant) (verb)
like (similar) (preposition, noun)
likely (adjective)
limit (noun, verb)
limited (adjective)
line (noun, verb)
link (noun, verb)
lion (noun)
lip (noun)
liquid (noun, adjective)
list (noun, verb)
listen (verb)
listener (noun)
literature (noun)
little (adjective, pronoun, adverb)
live1 (verb)
live2 (adjective, adverb)
lively (adjective)
living (adjective, noun)
load (noun, verb)
loan (noun)
local (adjective, noun)
locate (verb)
located (adjective)
location (noun)
lock (verb, noun)
logical (adjective)
lonely (adjective)
long1 (adjective, adverb)
long-term (adjective, adverb)
look (verb, noun)
loose (adjective)
lord (noun)
lose (verb)
loss (noun)
lost (adjective)
lot (pronoun, adverb)
loud (adjective, adverb)
loudly (adverb)
love (noun, verb)
low (adjective, adverb, noun)
lower (verb)
luck (noun)
lucky (adjective)
lunch (noun)
lung (noun)
luxury (noun)
machine (noun)
mad (adjective)
magazine (noun)
magic (noun, adjective)
mail (noun, verb)
main (adjective)
mainly (adverb)
maintain (verb)
major (adjective, noun)
majority (noun)
make (verb, noun)
male (adjective, noun)
mall (noun)
man (noun)
manage (verb)
management (noun)
manager (noun)
manner (noun)
many (pronoun)
map (noun, verb)
March (noun)
mark (verb, noun)
market (noun, verb)
marketing (noun)
marriage (noun)
married (adjective)
marry (verb)
mass (noun, adjective)
massive (adjective)
master (noun, verb)
match (contest/correspond) (noun)
matching (adjective)
material (noun, adjective)
math (noun)
mathematics (noun)
matter (noun, verb)
maximum (adjective, noun)
may (modal verb)
May (noun)
maybe (adverb)
mayor (noun)
me (pronoun)
meal (noun)
mean (verb)
meaning (noun)
means (noun)
meanwhile (adverb)
measure (verb, noun)
measurement (noun)
meat (noun)
media (noun)
medical (adjective)
medicine (noun)
medium (adjective, noun)
meet (verb)
meeting (noun)
melt (verb)
member (noun)
memory (noun)
mental (adjective)
mention (verb, noun)
menu (noun)
mess (noun, verb)
message (noun)
metal (noun)
meter (noun)
method (noun)
middle (noun, adjective)
midnight (noun)
might (modal verb)
mild (adjective)
mile (noun)
military (adjective, noun)
milk (noun)
million (number)
mind (noun, verb)
mine (belongs to me) (pronoun)
mine (hole in the ground) (noun)
mineral (noun)
minimum (adjective, noun)
minister (noun)
minor (adjective)
minority (noun)
minute1 (noun)
mirror (noun)
miss (verb)
missing (adjective)
mission (noun)
mistake (noun, verb)
mix (verb, noun)
mixed (adjective)
mixture (noun)
model (noun, verb)
modern (adjective)
modify (verb)
mom (noun)
moment (noun)
Monday (noun)
money (noun)
monitor (noun, verb)
monkey (noun)
month (noun)
mood (noun)
moon (noun)
moral (adjective, noun)
more (pronoun, adverb)
morning (noun)
most (pronoun, adverb)
mostly (adverb)
mother (noun)
motor (noun, adjective)
motorcycle (noun)
mount (verb)
mountain (noun)
mouse (noun)
mouth (noun)
move (verb, noun)
movement (noun)
movie (noun)
much (pronoun, adverb)
mud (noun)
multiple (adjective)
multiply (verb)
murder (noun, verb)
muscle (noun)
museum (noun)
music (noun)
musical (adjective, noun)
musician (noun)
must (modal verb)
my (pronoun)
myself (pronoun)
mysterious (adjective)
mystery (noun)
nail (noun)
name (noun, verb)
narrative (noun, adjective)
narrow (adjective, verb)
nation (noun)
national (adjective, noun)
native (adjective, noun)
natural (adjective)
naturally (adverb)
nature (noun)
near (preposition, adjective, adverb)
nearly (adverb)
neat (adjective)
necessarily (adverb)
necessary (adjective)
neck (noun)
need (verb, noun, modal verb)
needle (noun)
negative (adjective, noun)
neighbor (noun)
neighborhood (noun)
neither (pronoun, adverb)
nerve (noun)
nervous (adjective)
net (noun)
network (noun)
never (adverb)
nevertheless (adverb)
new (adjective)
news (noun)
newspaper (noun)
next (adjective, adverb, noun)
next to (preposition, noun)
nice (adjective)
night (noun)
nightmare (noun)
nine (number)
nineteen (number)
ninety (number)
no (exclamation)
no one (pronoun)
nobody (pronoun)
noise (noun)
noisy (adjective)
none (pronoun)
nor (conjunction, adverb)
normal (adjective, noun)
normally (adverb)
north (noun, adjective, adverb)
northern (adjective)
nose (noun)
not (adverb)
note (noun, verb)
nothing (pronoun)
notice (verb, noun)
notion (noun)
novel (noun)
November (noun)
now (adverb, conjunction)
nowhere (adverb)
nuclear (adjective)
number (noun, verb)
numerous (adjective)
nurse (noun)
nut (noun)
o’clock (adverb)
obey (verb)
object (noun, verb)
objective (noun, adjective)
obligation (noun)
observation (noun)
observe (verb)
obtain (verb)
obvious (adjective)
obviously (adverb)
occasion (noun)
occasionally (adverb)
occur (verb)
ocean (noun)
October (noun)
odd (adjective)
of (preposition, noun)
off (adverb, preposition, noun)
offend (verb)
offense (noun)
offensive (adjective)
offer (verb, noun)
office (noun)
officer (noun)
official (adjective, noun)
often (adverb)
oh (exclamation)
oil (noun)
OK (exclam) (adjective, adverb)
old (adjective)
old-fashioned (adjective)
on (preposition, adverb)
once (adverb, conjunction)
one (number, pronoun)
onion (noun)
online (adjective, adverb)
only (adjective, adverb)
onto (preposition, noun)
open (adjective, verb)
opening (noun)
operate (verb)
operation (noun)
opinion (noun)
opponent (noun)
opportunity (noun)
oppose (verb)
opposed (adjective)
opposite (adjective, adverb, preposition, noun)
opposition (noun)
option (noun)
or (conjunction)
orange (noun, adjective)
order (noun, verb)
ordinary (adjective)
organ (noun)
organization (noun)
organize (verb)
organized (adjective)
organizer (noun)
origin (noun)
original (adjective, noun)
originally (adverb)
other (adjective, pronoun)
otherwise (adverb)
ought (modal verb)
our (pronoun)
ours (pronoun)
ourselves (pronoun)
out (adverb, preposition, noun)
outcome (noun)
outdoor (adjective)
outdoors (adverb)
outer (adjective)
outline (noun, verb)
outside (adverb, preposition, noun)
oven (noun)
over (preposition, adverb)
overall (adjective, adverb)
overseas (adverb, adjective)
owe (verb)
own (adjective, pronoun)
owner (noun)
pace (noun, verb)
pack (verb, noun)
package (noun, verb)
page (noun)
pain (noun)
painful (adjective)
paint (verb, noun)
painter (noun)
painting (noun)
pair (noun)
palace (noun)
pale (adjective)
pan (noun)
panel (noun)
pants (noun)
paper (noun)
paragraph (noun)
parent (noun)
park (noun, verb)
parking (noun)
part (noun)
participant (noun)
participate (verb)
particular (adjective)
particularly (adverb)
partly (adverb)
partner (noun)
party (noun)
pass (verb, noun)
passage (noun)
passenger (noun)
passion (noun)
passport (noun)
past (adjective, noun, preposition, adverb)
path (noun)
patient (noun, adjective)
pattern (noun)
pay (verb, noun)
payment (noun)
peace (noun)
peaceful (adjective)
pen (noun)
pencil (noun)
penny (noun)
people (noun)
pepper (noun)
per (preposition, noun)
percent (noun, adjective, adverb)
percentage (noun)
perfect (adjective)
perfectly (adverb)
perform (verb)
performance (noun)
perhaps (adverb)
period (noun)
permanent (adjective)
permission (noun)
permit (verb, noun)
person (noun)
personal (adjective)
personality (noun)
personally (adverb)
perspective (noun)
persuade (verb)
pet (noun)
phase (noun)
phenomenon (noun)
philosophy (noun)
phone (noun, verb)
photo (noun)
photograph (noun, verb)
photographer (noun)
photography (noun)
phrase (noun)
physical (adjective)
physics (noun)
piano (noun)
pick (verb, noun)
picture (noun, verb)
piece (noun)
pig (noun)
pile (noun, verb)
pilot (noun)
pin (noun, verb)
pink (adjective, noun)
pipe (noun)
pitch (noun)
place (noun, verb)
plain (adjective)
plan (noun, verb)
plane (noun)
planet (noun)
planning (noun)
plant (noun, verb)
plastic (noun, adjective)
plate (noun)
platform (noun)
play (verb, noun)
player (noun)
pleasant (adjective)
please (exclam) (verb)
pleased (adjective)
pleasure (noun)
plenty (pronoun)
plot (noun, verb)
plus1 (preposition, noun, adjective, conjunction)
pocket (noun)
poem (noun)
poet (noun)
poetry (noun)
point (noun, verb)
pointed (adjective)
poison (noun, verb)
poisonous (adjective)
police (noun)
policeman (noun)
policy (noun)
polite (adjective)
political (adjective)
politician (noun)
politics (noun)
pollution (noun)
pool (noun)
poor (adjective)
pop (noun, adjective)
popular (adjective)
popularity (noun)
population (noun)
port (noun)
portrait (noun)
pose (verb)
position (noun, verb)
positive (adjective, noun)
possess (verb)
possession (noun)
possibility (noun)
possible (adjective)
possibly (adverb)
post (noun, verb)
poster (noun)
pot (noun)
potato (noun)
potential (adjective, noun)
pound (noun)
pour (verb)
poverty (noun)
powder (noun)
power (noun, verb)
powerful (adjective)
practical (adjective)
practice (noun, verb)
praise (noun, verb)
pray (verb)
prayer (noun)
predict (verb)
prediction (noun)
prefer (verb)
pregnant (adjective)
preparation (noun)
prepare (verb)
prepared (adjective)
presence (noun)
present (adjective, noun, verb)
presentation (noun)
preserve (verb)
president (noun)
press (verb, noun)
pressure (noun)
pretend (verb)
pretty (adjective, adverb)
prevent (verb)
previous (adjective)
previously (adverb)
price (noun, verb)
priest (noun)
primary (adjective)
prime (adjective)
prince (noun)
princess (noun)
principal (noun, adjective)
principle (noun)
print (verb, noun)
printer (noun)
printing (noun)
priority (noun)
prison (noun)
prisoner (noun)
privacy (noun)
private (adjective)
prize (noun)
probably (adverb)
problem (noun)
procedure (noun)
process (noun, verb)
produce (verb, verb)
producer (noun)
product (noun)
production (noun)
profession (noun)
professional (adjective, noun)
professor (noun)
profile (noun)
profit (noun)
program (noun, verb)
progress (noun, verb)
project (noun, verb)
promise (verb, noun)
promote (verb)
pronounce (verb)
proof (noun)
proper (adjective)
properly (adverb)
property (noun)
proposal (noun)
propose (verb)
prospect (noun)
protect (verb)
protection (noun)
protest (noun, verb)
proud (adjective)
prove (verb)
provide (verb)
psychologist (noun)
psychology (noun)
public (adjective, noun)
publication (noun)
publish (verb)
pull (verb, noun)
punish (verb)
punishment (noun)
purchase (noun, verb)
pure (adjective)
purple (adjective, noun)
purpose (noun)
pursue (verb)
push (verb, noun)
put (verb)
qualification (noun)
qualified (adjective)
qualify (verb)
quality (noun)
quantity (noun)
quarter (noun)
queen (noun)
question (noun, verb)
quick (adjective)
quickly (adverb)
quiet (adjective)
quietly (adverb)
quit (verb)
quite (adverb)
quotation (noun)
quote (verb, noun)
race (competition) (noun, verb)
race (of people) (noun)
racing (noun)
radio (noun)
railroad (noun)
rain (noun, verb)
raise (verb, noun)
range (noun, verb)
rank (noun, verb)
rapid (adjective)
rapidly (adverb)
rare (adjective)
rarely (adverb)
rate (noun, verb)
rather (adverb)
raw (adjective)
reach (verb, noun)
react (verb)
reaction (noun)
read (verb)
reader (noun)
reading (noun)
ready (adjective)
real (adjective)
realistic (adjective)
reality (noun)
realize (verb)
really (adverb)
reason (noun)
reasonable (adjective)
recall (verb)
receipt (noun)
receive (verb)
recent (adjective)
recently (adverb)
reception (noun)
recipe (noun)
recognize (verb)
recommend (verb)
recommendation (noun)
record (noun, verb)
recording (noun)
recover (verb)
recycle (verb)
red (adjective, noun)
reduce (verb)
reduction (noun)
refer (verb)
reference (noun)
reflect (verb)
refrigerator (noun)
refuse1 (verb)
regard (verb, noun)
region (noun)
regional (adjective)
register (verb, noun)
regret (verb, noun)
regular (adjective)
regularly (adverb)
regulation (noun)
reject (verb)
relate (verb)
related (adjective)
relation (noun)
relationship (noun)
relative (adjective, noun)
relatively (adverb)
relax (verb)
relaxed (adjective)
relaxing (adjective)
release (verb, noun)
relevant (adjective)
reliable (adjective)
relief (noun)
religion (noun)
religious (adjective)
rely (verb)
remain (verb)
remark (noun, verb)
remember (verb)
remind (verb)
remote (adjective)
remove (verb)
rent (noun, verb)
repair (verb, noun)
repeat (verb, noun)
repeated (adjective)
replace (verb)
reply (verb, noun)
report (noun, verb)
reporter (noun)
represent (verb)
representative (noun, adjective)
reputation (noun)
request (noun, verb)
require (verb)
requirement (noun)
rescue (verb, noun)
research (noun, verb)
researcher (noun)
reservation (noun)
reserve (noun, verb)
resident (noun, adjective)
resist (verb)
resolve (verb)
resort (noun)
resource (noun)
respect (noun, verb)
respond (verb)
response (noun)
responsibility (noun)
responsible (adjective)
rest (remaining part) (noun)
rest (sleep/relax) (noun, verb)
restaurant (noun)
result (noun, verb)
retain (verb)
retire (verb)
retired (adjective)
return (verb, noun)
reveal (verb)
review (noun, verb)
revise (verb)
revolution (noun)
reward (noun, verb)
rhythm (noun)
rice (noun)
rich (adjective)
rid (verb)
ride (verb, noun)
right (adjective, adverb, noun)
ring1 (noun)
ring2 (verb, noun)
rise (verb, noun)
risk (noun, verb)
river (noun)
road (noun)
robot (noun)
rock (music) (noun)
rock (stone) (noun)
role (noun)
roll (verb, noun)
romantic (adjective)
roof (noun)
room (noun)
root (noun)
rope (noun)
rough (adjective)
round (adjective, adverb, preposition, noun)
route (noun)
routine (noun, adjective)
row1 (noun)
royal (adjective)
rub (verb)
rubber (noun, adjective)
rude (adjective)
rule (noun, verb)
run (verb, noun)
runner (noun)
running (noun)
rural (adjective)
rush (verb, noun)
sad (adjective)
sadly (adverb)
safe (adjective)
safety (noun)
sail (verb, noun)
sailing (noun)
sailor (noun)
salad (noun)
salary (noun)
sale (noun)
salt (noun)
same (adjective, pronoun, adverb)
sample (noun, verb)
sand (noun)
sandwich (noun)
satellite (noun)
satisfied (adjective)
satisfy (verb)
Saturday (noun)
sauce (noun)
save (verb)
saving (noun)
say (verb)
scale (noun)
scan (verb)
scared (adjective)
scary (adjective)
scene (noun)
schedule (noun, verb)
school (noun)
science (noun)
scientific (adjective)
scientist (noun)
score (verb, noun)
scream (verb, noun)
screen (noun, verb)
script (noun)
sculpture (noun)
sea (noun)
search (noun, verb)
season (noun)
seat (noun, verb)
second (next after the first) (number, adverb)
second (unit of time) (noun)
secondary (adjective)
secret (adjective, noun)
secretary (noun)
section (noun)
sector (noun)
secure (verb, adjective)
security (noun)
see (verb)
seed (noun)
seek (verb)
seem (verb)
select (verb)
selection (noun)
self (noun)
sell (verb)
senate (noun)
senator (noun)
send (verb)
senior (adjective)
sense (noun, verb)
sensible (adjective)
sensitive (adjective)
sentence (noun, verb)
separate (adjective, verb)
September (noun)
sequence (noun)
series (noun)
serious (adjective)
seriously (adverb)
servant (noun)
serve (verb)
service (noun)
session (noun)
set (group) (noun)
set (put) (verb)
setting (noun)
settle (verb)
seven (number)
seventeen (number)
seventy (number)
several (pronoun)
severe (adjective)
sex (noun)
sexual (adjective)
shade (noun)
shadow (noun)
shake (verb, noun)
shall (modal verb)
shallow (adjective)
shame (noun)
shape (noun, verb)
share (verb, noun)
sharp (adjective)
she (pronoun)
sheep (noun)
sheet (noun)
shelf (noun)
shell (noun)
shelter (noun, verb)
shift (noun, verb)
shine (verb)
shiny (adjective)
ship (noun, verb)
shirt (noun)
shock (noun, verb)
shocked (adjective)
shoe (noun)
shoot (verb)
shooting (noun)
shop (noun, verb)
shopping (noun)
short (adjective)
shot (noun)
should (modal verb)
shoulder (noun)
shout (verb, noun)
show (verb, noun)
shower (noun)
shut (verb, adjective)
shy (adjective)
sick (adjective)
side (noun)
sight (noun)
sign (noun, verb)
signal (noun, verb)
significant (adjective)
significantly (adverb)
silence (noun)
silent (adjective)
silk (noun)
silly (adjective)
silver (noun, adjective)
similar (adjective)
similarity (noun)
similarly (adverb)
simple (adjective)
simply (adverb)
since (preposition, conjunction, adverb)
sincere (adjective)
sing (verb)
singer (noun)
singing (noun)
single (adjective, noun)
sink (verb)
sir (noun)
sister (noun)
sit (verb)
site (noun)
situation (noun)
six (number)
sixteen (number)
sixty (number)
size (noun)
ski (verb, noun)
skiing (noun)
skill (noun)
skin (noun)
skirt (noun)
sky (noun)
slave (noun)
sleep (verb, noun)
slice (noun, verb)
slide (verb, noun)
slight (adjective)
slightly (adverb)
slip (verb)
slope (noun, verb)
slow (adjective, verb)
slowly (adverb)
small (adjective)
smart (adjective)
smartphone (noun)
smell (verb, noun)
smile (verb, noun)
smoke (noun, verb)
smoking (noun)
smooth (adjective)
snake (noun)
sneaker (noun)
snow (noun, verb)
so (adverb, conjunction)
soap (noun)
soccer (noun)
social (adjective)
society (noun)
sock (noun)
soft (adjective)
software (noun)
soil (noun)
solar (adjective)
soldier (noun)
solid (adjective, noun)
solution (noun)
solve (verb)
some (pronoun)
somebody (pronoun)
someone (pronoun)
something (pronoun)
sometimes (adverb)
somewhat (adverb)
somewhere (adverb, pronoun)
son (noun)
song (noun)
soon (adverb)
sorry (adjective, exclamation)
sort (noun, verb)
soul (noun)
sound (noun, verb)
soup (noun)
source (noun)
south (noun, adjective, adverb)
southern (adjective)
space (noun)
speak (verb)
speaker (noun)
special (adjective)
specialist (noun, adjective)
species (noun)
specific (adjective)
specifically (adverb)
speech (noun)
speed (noun, verb)
spell (verb)
spelling (noun)
spend (verb)
spending (noun)
spicy (adjective)
spider (noun)
spirit (noun)
spiritual (adjective)
split (verb, noun)
spoken (adjective)
sponsor (verb, noun)
spoon (noun)
sport (noun)
spot (noun, verb)
spread (verb, noun)
spring (noun, verb)
square (adjective, noun)
stable (adjective)
stadium (noun)
staff (noun)
stage (noun, verb)
stair (noun)
stamp (noun)
stand (verb, noun)
standard (noun, adjective)
star (noun, verb)
stare (verb)
start (verb, noun)
state (noun, adjective, verb)
statement (noun)
station (noun)
statistic (noun)
statue (noun)
status (noun)
stay (verb, noun)
steady (adjective)
steal (verb)
steel (noun)
steep (adjective)
step (noun, verb)
stick (piece of wood) (noun)
stick (push into/ attach) (verb)
sticky (adjective)
stiff (adjective)
still (adverb, adjective)
stock (noun)
stomach (noun)
stone (noun)
stop (verb, noun)
store (noun, verb)
storm (noun)
story (noun)
stove (noun)
straight (adverb, adjective)
strange (adjective)
stranger (noun)
strategy (noun)
stream (noun)
street (noun)
strength (noun)
stress (noun, verb)
stretch (verb, noun)
strict (adjective)
strike (verb, noun)
string (noun)
strong (adjective)
strongly (adverb)
structure (noun, verb)
struggle (verb, noun)
student (noun)
studio (noun)
study (noun, verb)
stuff (noun, verb)
stupid (adjective)
style (noun)
subject (noun, adjective)
submit (verb)
substance (noun)
subway (noun)
succeed (verb)
success (noun)
successful (adjective)
successfully (adverb)
such (pronoun)
sudden (adjective)
suddenly (adverb)
suffer (verb)
sugar (noun)
suggest (verb)
suggestion (noun)
suit (noun, verb)
suitable (adjective)
sum (noun, verb)
summarize (verb)
summary (noun)
summer (noun)
sun (noun)
Sunday (noun)
supermarket (noun)
supply (noun, verb)
support (verb, noun)
supporter (noun)
suppose (verb)
sure (adjective, adverb)
surely (adverb)
surface (noun)
surgery (noun)
surprise (noun, verb)
surprised (adjective)
surprising (adjective)
surround (verb)
surrounding (adjective)
survey (noun, verb)
survive (verb)
suspect (verb, noun)
swear (verb)
sweater (noun)
sweep (verb)
sweet (adjective)
swim (verb, noun)
swimming (noun)
switch (verb, noun)
symbol (noun)
sympathy (noun)
symptom (noun)
system (noun)
table (noun)
tablet (noun)
tail (noun)
take (verb)
tale (noun)
talent (noun)
talented (adjective)
talk (verb, noun)
tall (adjective)
tank (noun)
tape (noun)
target (noun, verb)
task (noun)
taste (noun, verb)
tax (noun, verb)
taxi (noun)
tea (noun)
teach (verb)
teacher (noun)
teaching (noun)
team (noun)
tear1 (verb, noun)
tear2 (noun)
technical (adjective)
technique (noun)
technology (noun)
teenage (adjective)
teenager (noun)
telephone (noun, verb)
television (noun)
tell (verb)
temperature (noun)
temporary (adjective)
ten (number)
tend (verb)
tennis (noun)
tent (noun)
term (noun, verb)
terrible (adjective)
test (noun, verb)
text (noun, verb)
than (conjunction)
thank (verb)
thanks (exclam) (noun)
that (pronoun, adverb, conjunction)
the (definite article)
theater (noun)
their (pronoun)
theirs (pronoun)
them (pronoun)
theme (noun)
themselves (pronoun)
then (adverb)
theory (noun)
therapy (noun)
there (adverb)
therefore (adverb)
they (pronoun)
thick (adjective)
thief (noun)
thin (adjective)
thing (noun)
think (verb)
thinking (noun)
third (number)
thirsty (adjective)
thirteen (number)
thirty (number)
this (pronoun, adverb)
though (conjunction, adverb)
thought (noun)
thousand (number)
threat (noun)
threaten (verb)
three (number)
throat (noun)
through (preposition, adverb)
throughout (preposition, noun, adverb)
throw (verb)
Thursday (noun)
thus (adverb)
ticket (noun)
tie (verb, noun)
tight (adjective)
till (conjunction, preposition, noun)
time (noun, verb)
tiny (adjective)
tip (noun, verb)
tire (noun)
tired (adjective)
title (noun, verb)
to (preposition, infinitive marker)
today (adverb, noun)
toe (noun)
together (adverb)
toilet (noun)
tomato (noun)
tomorrow (adverb, noun)
ton (noun)
tone (noun)
tongue (noun)
tonight (adverb, noun)
too (adverb)
tool (noun)
tooth (noun)
top (noun, adjective)
topic (noun)
total (adjective, noun)
totally (adverb)
touch (verb, noun)
tough (adjective)
tour (noun, verb)
tourism (noun)
tourist (noun)
toward (preposition, noun)
towel (noun)
tower (noun)
town (noun)
toy (noun, adjective)
track (noun, verb)
trade (noun, verb)
tradition (noun)
traditional (adjective)
traffic (noun)
train (noun, verb)
trainer (noun)
training (noun)
transfer (verb, noun)
transform (verb)
transition (noun)
translate (verb)
translation (noun)
transport (verb)
transportation (noun)
trash (noun)
travel (verb, noun)
traveler (noun)
treat (verb)
treatment (noun)
tree (noun)
trend (noun)
trial (noun)
trick (noun, verb)
trip (noun, verb)
tropical (adjective)
trouble (noun, verb)
truck (noun)
true (adjective)
truly (adverb)
trust (noun, verb)
truth (noun)
try (verb, noun)
T-shirt (noun)
tube (noun)
Tuesday (noun)
tune (noun)
tunnel (noun)
turn (verb, noun)
TV (noun)
twelve (number)
twenty (number)
twice (adverb)
twin (noun, adjective)
two (number)
type (noun, verb)
typical (adjective)
typically (adverb)
ugly (adjective)
ultimately (adverb)
umbrella (noun)
unable (adjective)
uncle (noun)
uncomfortable (adjective)
unconscious (adjective)
under (preposition, adverb)
underground (adjective, adverb)
understand (verb)
understanding (noun)
underwear (noun)
unemployed (adjective)
unemployment (noun)
unexpected (adjective)
unfair (adjective)
unfortunately (adverb)
unhappy (adjective)
uniform (noun)
union (noun)
unique (adjective)
unit (noun)
united (adjective)
universe (noun)
university (noun)
unknown (adjective)
unless (conjunction)
unlike (preposition, noun)
unlikely (adjective)
unnecessary (adjective)
unpleasant (adjective)
until (conjunction, preposition, noun)
unusual (adjective)
up (adverb, preposition, noun)
update (verb, noun)
upon (preposition, noun)
upper (adjective)
upset (adjective, verb)
upstairs (adverb, adjective)
upward (adverb)
urban (adjective)
urge (verb)
us (pronoun)
use (verb, noun)
used to (modal verb)
used (adjective)
useful (adjective)
user (noun)
usual (adjective)
usually (adverb)
vacation (noun)
valley (noun)
valuable (adjective)
value (noun, verb)
van (noun)
variety (noun)
various (adjective)
vary (verb)
vast (adjective)
vegetable (noun)
vehicle (noun)
venue (noun)
version (noun)
very (adverb, adjective)
via (preposition, noun)
victim (noun)
victory (noun)
video (noun)
view (noun, verb)
viewer (noun)
village (noun)
violence (noun)
violent (adjective)
virtual (adjective)
virus (noun)
vision (noun)
visit (verb, noun)
visitor (noun)
visual (adjective)
vital (adjective)
vitamin (noun)
voice (noun)
volume (noun)
volunteer (noun, verb)
vote (noun, verb)
wage (noun)
wait (verb, noun)
waiter (noun)
wake (verb)
walk (verb, noun)
wall (noun)
want (verb)
war (noun)
warm (adjective, verb)
warn (verb)
warning (noun)
wash (verb, noun)
washing (noun)
waste (noun, verb, adjective)
watch (verb, noun)
water (noun, verb)
wave (noun, verb)
way (noun, adverb)
we (pronoun)
weak (adjective)
weakness (noun)
wealth (noun)
wealthy (adjective)
weapon (noun)
wear (verb)
weather (noun)
web (noun)
website (noun)
wedding (noun)
Wednesday (noun)
week (noun)
weekend (noun)
weigh (verb)
weight (noun)
welcome (exclamation, verb, adjective, noun)
well (adverb, adjective, exclamation)
west (noun, adjective, adverb)
western (adjective)
wet (adjective)
what (pronoun)
whatever (pronoun)
wheel (noun)
when (adverb, pronoun, conjunction)
whenever (conjunction)
where (adverb, conjunction)
whereas (conjunction)
wherever (conjunction)
whether (conjunction)
which (pronoun)
while (conjunction, preposition, noun)
whisper (verb, noun)
white (adjective, noun)
who (pronoun)
whole (adjective, noun)
whom (pronoun)
whose (pronoun)
why (adverb)
wide (adjective)
widely (adverb)
wife (noun)
wild (adjective)
wildlife (noun)
will (modal verb, noun)
willing (adjective)
win (verb, noun)
wind1 (noun)
wind2 (verb)
window (noun)
wine (noun)
wing (noun)
winner (noun)
winter (noun)
wire (noun)
wise (adjective)
wish (verb, noun)
with (preposition, noun)
within (preposition, noun)
without (preposition, noun)
witness (noun, verb)
woman (noun)
wonder (verb, noun)
wonderful (adjective)
wood (noun)
wooden (adjective)
wool (noun)
word (noun)
work (verb, noun)
worker (noun)
working (adjective)
world (noun)
worldwide (adjective, adverb)
worried (adjective)
worry (verb, noun)
worse (adjective, adverb, noun)
worst (adjective, adverb, noun)
worth (adjective, noun)
would (modal verb)
wound (noun, verb)
wow (exclamation)
wrap (verb)
write (verb)
writer (noun)
writing (noun)
written (adjective)
wrong (adjective, adverb, noun)
yard (noun)
yeah (exclamation)
year (noun)
yellow (adjective, noun)
yes (exclamation)
yesterday (adverb, noun)
yet (adverb, conjunction)
you (pronoun)
young (adjective, noun)
your (pronoun)
yours (pronoun)
yourself (pronoun)
youth (noun)
zero (number)
zone (noun)
Consejos para Planificar el Aprendizaje de Estas Palabras

- Establece Metas Diarias: Divide la lista en secciones pequeñas y repasa un grupo de palabras cada día.
- Usa Aplicaciones de Repetición: Herramientas como tarjetas de memoria (flashcards) son excelentes para reforzar el aprendizaje.
- Inclúyelo en Tu Rutina: Dedica de 15 a 30 minutos diarios para estudiar estas palabras.
- Mantén una Actitud Positiva: Considera el aprendizaje como un proceso continuo y celebra cada pequeño logro.
Aprender las 3000 palabras más usadas en inglés es uno de los pasos más prácticos para mejorar tu fluidez y comprensión. Con dedicación y estrategias consistentes, estarás cada vez más cerca de alcanzar tus metas en el idioma. Descarga aquí la lista de palabras para comenzar o profundizar en tus estudios.
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